Why spend thousands repairing leaks when Window Kanopy will stop all window leaks before it's too late!

For reference, approximate costs for a campervan with large windows is between £400 and £500.

Meet The Window Kanopy

The Window Kanopy has been designed and developed to fit above caravan and motorhome windows with ease, preventing damaging and costly window leaks.

Each Window Kanopy is individually measured and cut to be a perfect fit. It improves the aesthetics of your caravan or motorhome, as well as being one of the most practical products you will buy for it.

If you are unsure on how to measure up correctly, please contact one of our sales team below who will be happy to guide and assist you.


Window Kanopy Features

* Stops leaks in windows of your motorhome or caravan.
* Prevents perishing of rubber seals and black streaks.
* Improves visibility, reducing window rain.
* Helps with certain damp issues.
* Improves aesthetics.
* Assists in preventing tanning of interior curtains.
* Helps to reduce misting.

Window Kanopy in action...

Ergonomically Designed & Lightweight

The Window Kanopy has been extensively tested on all of our own family motorhomes for over five years and fully cured all previous leaks. The product has also been fully tested and certified in the UK. When the product is fitted by us it will carry a cast iron five year no quibble guarantee.

The product with the fitting service will be available in four to seven weeks, but unfortunately the self-fixing kits will not be available for a few weeks.


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